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The Last Stand Wiki
Lrg train station map
Large Train Station

The Last Stand: Dead Zone

Level calculation

Area + 3



Likely finds

Tlsdz food loot icon Tlsdz water loot icon Tlsdz component loot icon

The Large Train Station is a location that can be searched in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.


Large suburban train station


Train stations are places where passenger and/or freight trains stop and unload before "hitting the rails" once more and connecting not only states but countries too. Despite fierce competition from automobiles and airliners, some people still enjoy traveling via train as they offer comfortable reclining-seat coaches, lounge services, full-service sleepers, five-star dining, club/parlor cars, domes for unparalleled scenic views and much more. Large stations were destinated to important destinations, such as Union City, and so, trains from within the State and afar transported people, and later the infection, to the capital city of the State.

Possible finds[]

Level calculation[]

The level of a Large Train Station is always three levels higher than the area it is located in.


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