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The Last Stand Wiki
Metal Cable
Metal Cable

The Last Stand: Dead Zone



The Metal Cable is a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.


Tensile metal cable.


Also known as wire rope, metal cable is made by twisting smaller cables into a helix. Wire rope was developed as an alternative to metal chains, which were prone to failure. Wire rope is favored over traditional chains as minor mechanical failures do not result in catastrophes, since the other wires wound into the rope are usually able to take over, at least until the rope is replaced. Due to its immense strength, wire rope is typically used to lift or haul heavy loads, and sees use in elevators and cranes. It has also seen static uses, such as in guy wires.

Can be found in hardware stores or carefully removed from elevator shafts and construction sites.

Used for[]

Recycling products[]

  • Metal x 5

Obtained from[]

