The Last Stand Wiki
The Last Stand Wiki
Refined Weights
Refined Weights

The Last Stand: Dead Zone



The Refined Weights is a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It was introduced during the 2017 Operation Whiteout update.


Refined weight pieces used in crafting.


Any weight in the world handled with your fingers will leave oil or residue, changing its weight ever so slightly. While these bits of added mass have no noticeable effect in our daily lives, this could throw off scientific experiments that require very precise weight measurements or international trade for items that are restricted by weight. To solve this problem, scientists have come up with solutions to this problem, such as cleaning weights without damaging them or redefining their value to some fundamental property of nature that can be easily replicated in labs across the world.

Used For[]

Recycling products[]

  • Refined Weights x2

Obtained from[]
