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The Tauron 9mm is a Tier 1 9mm pistol in The Last Stand: Aftermath. A Volunteer may start out with a damaged variant of this weapon. The player may permanently unlock it in the Supply Depot for (TBA) supply as a restockable weapon in the Armory.


The Tauron is a low tier but high damage 9mm pistol with which the player can potentially start with from one of the three volunteers or acquire throughout the world. Due to the fact that it is technically a revolver, the player cannot equip a magazine attachment.


The Tauron is a decent early stage weapon which can deal with small groups of runners, but not quite worthwhile using on child zombies. However, the damage is far too weak to sufficiently take down bursters, let alone chargers in a sufficient time. Therefore, this weapon should be used as a stopgap at best until the player finds a better weapon such as the G17.

vde Weapons of The Last Stand: Aftermath
Melee Blunts BoardSpiked BoardPipeWar PickFrying PanBatonStun BatonHammerBatSpiked BatAluminum BatWrenchCrowbarKnuckle DustersWar HammerSledge
Blades Pocket KnifeKitchen KnifeCombat KnifeSickleHatchetCleaverMacheteKatanaTAC-BladeBloodlusterGear Axe
Pistols and Submachine guns 9mm Pipe PistolTauron 9mmG17MAC-10Improvised SMGMP5P-90
.45 Cal Death AdderM1911.45 TacticalUMP 45VS-SMG
Rifles and Machine guns 5.56mm Sportshot RifleM16M4A1M249 LMG
7.62mm Hunting RifleAK-47SCAR-HSR-110M-60
Shotguns Sawed-off ShotgunImprovised ShotgunAmbrose ShotgunS-12 Shotgun
Explosives Grenade LauncherMulti-Grenade LauncherRPG Launcher
Special Flare GunFlare SplitterHand CannonFlamethrower