The Last Stand Wiki
The Last Stand Wiki

The Last Stand Wiki has a Discord server that allows users over the Internet to communicate with each other in real time over the Internet. In addition to offering text and voice channels, Discord allows users to upload files, share one's own screen, and set custom profiles. The Last Stand Wiki's Discord server is open to the public, regardless if one has an on-wiki account or not, and is free and easy to use.

If you see this, JavaScript might be disabled in your browser or the DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. If it's the latter, please contact an administrator. Click here to join the server.
By joining, you agree to abide by the server rules.

What is Discord?[]

Discord is a multi-platform Internet communication service that aims to combine the functionalities of Skype and TeamSpeak. It is especially popular with gamers, although it can be used for any purpose. Discord is designed to run alongside games, and offers an in-game overlay interface (similar to Steam).

Discord hosts many public and private "servers", and each server is administered by its owner and its administrators. Servers are independent of each other, and each server has its own list of available voice and text channels. Access to each server is controlled by their owners and administrators on a per-server basis. To join, a user must register for a Discord account; these accounts are global and can be used on any server, and registering for one is free.

Discord can be accessed from any modern web browser on their official website, or any of its official standalone apps for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Joining the server[]

The Last Stand Wiki's Discord server is open for anyone to join. To join, you must have an account registered with Discord with a verified email address (you can create an account here).

To join the server, click on the following link: This will open Discord in a separate tab, or open your Discord client. You will be added to the Welcome channel on the server, but you will be free to view and talk in most public channels on the server.

Server rules[]

The rules for the server are fairly simple. They exist primarily to ensure a comfortable, relaxed chatting experience for everyone on the server, and are mostly common sense. Unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to all text and voice channels on the server, and are enforced by server operators and moderators.

  • Do not discuss any topic that is inappropriate for a general audience. This means that discussions about detailed sexual activity or pornography, discussions supporting illegal activities such as hacking or warez, or defaming a person or ethnic group are not permitted.
  • Do not spam text or voice channels, either with incoherent nonsense or repeated links to other websites despite numerous warnings.
    • Do not frequently transmit "dead air" over voice channels. This may happen if your microphone is improperly calibrated or if you are in a noisy environment. In such circumstances, consider using "push to talk" instead of "voice activity". Users who frequently transmit dead air may lose the ability to use voice activity.
  • Do not harass, insult, flame, troll, or annoy other users.
  • Do not post other people's real life information without their permission, especially if such information would be expected to remain private.
  • Do not bring bots into the server without permission from a server operator. Unauthorized bots may be removed.
  • Do not impersonate other on-wiki users. If you claim to be a particular user on-wiki, you may be asked by a server operator or moderator to confirm your identity through a confirmation process. Users who claim to be a user but are unable to verify their identity may be removed from the server in order to protect the identity of the real user.

User roles[]

The Last Stand Wiki's Discord server groups users into roles. Roles grant different permissions and technical abilities on the server, and users with higher roles are granted a greater number of these permissions. Currently, there is no community process for appointing roles to new users; this decision lies with the existing server operators and moderators.

By default, users are not assigned to any roles. They may read and send messages to most public text channels. They may embed links, attach files, and use emojis from other Discord servers (if they have Discord Nitro). They can connect to and speak in most public voice channels. They may also change their own nicknames on the server, create invite links, and add reactions to other messages. Users cannot send TTS messages or use the @everyone mention on the server.

Users should note that leaving a server automatically removes any roles granted to them; most of these roles are not automatically reassigned when the user rejoins.


Users who are confirmed have had their on-wiki identity linked to their identity on Discord. To be confirmed, a user must contact a server moderator or an operator. The moderator/operator will ask them to edit The Last Stand Wiki:Discord confirmation with a random text that the moderator/operator will provide over direct messaging. Once the user's identity has been confirmed, they will be added to this user role. Confirmed users have no additional abilities; the user role serves only as a marker for organizational purposes.

Users who leave the server will lose this user role, but will not lose their confirmation status provided that they use the same account to rejoin the server.


The Trusted user role is a simple marker that moderators will assign users who have demonstrated that they are not an obvious troll or spammer. There is no hard criteria as to who can be given this user role. In general, anyone who can be trusted not to be a troll or a spammer can be given this role. This may occur after a user has confirmed their on-wiki identity and are found to be a helpful and trustworthy user on-wiki.

Server moderators[]

Moderators are trusted users who have been tasked with helping to enforce the server rules and assist other users who require assistance. They may kick and ban users from the server, and can forcefully mute, deafen, and move users in voice channels. They are able to forcefully change the nickname of another user and alert all users on the server by mentioning @everyone. They may add and remove the Confirmed, Trusted, Wiki administrator, and Bot user roles from anyone, and can create new user roles. They are also displayed separately from other users, and their nicknames are highlighted in red.

All server moderators can be contacted at once by typing @server moderators into the text chat window. This feature should only be used to contact moderators in the event of immediate disruption to the server.

Server operators[]

Server operators are highly trusted users that manage the server. They have every permission on the server, including server moderator permissions, and can make large-scale changes to the server. They can add or remove channels, add or remove server moderators, change the permissions available to existing user roles, and manage emojis and webhooks on the server. They are displayed separately from other users, and their nicknames are highlighted in blue.

All server operators can be contacted at once by typing @server operators into the text chat window (Note that server operators are also included in the server moderator group, so all messages to @server moderators will also go to all server operators). This feature should only be used to contact operators to discuss matters relevant to the operation of the server.

Server operators can only be added or removed by the server owner.

Wiki administrators[]

Administrators and bureaucrats of The Last Stand Wiki are given the additional role of "Wiki Administrator" after confirming their on-wiki identity. This user role does not grant any additional permissions beyond that of the Trusted user role—aside from being able to mention @everyone, and administrators are not automatically made moderators or operators.

All wiki administrators on the server can be contacted at once by typing @wiki administrators into the text chat window. This feature should only be used to contact administrators relating to urgent on-wiki issues that require their attention.

All wiki administrators must also be in the "Confirmed" role. Wiki administrators who lose their administrator permissions on-wiki should be removed from this role.

Wiki administrators have their nicknames colored green and are displayed separately from other users in the member list. Note that wiki administrators who are also moderators or operators will be shown as moderators or operators. Their user roles, however, can still be seen by right-clicking on their name in the member list.


All bots on the server that have been approved by an operator are given this user role. They have most of the permissions granted to trusted users, but cannot send TTS messages or embed links. They are also displayed separately from other users, and their names are colored yellow. The permissions available to bots in a channel can be changed by a moderator or operator on a case-by-case basis.

Server owner[]

The owner has all permissions on the server and can make any changes to it. The server owner is typically the user who first created the server, although ownership can be transferred to anyone. Only one server owner can exist at a time, and servers must have at least one owner.

The current owner of The Last Stand Wiki's Discord server is K6ka.


The muted user role is a special user role that is used by a select few bots on the server with moderator capabilities, although it can also be granted manually by any human operator or moderator. Users with the muted role have their ability to speak in text and voice channels revoked and are unable to add reactions to messages. Mutes may be issued in place of kicks or bans at a moderator's discretion to stop disruptive behavior.

List of operators and moderators[]

User Role Name(s) commonly used on the server
K6ka (talk) Server owner k6ka